An Irish Christian's Perpective

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Christian by Faith, one of Jehovah's Witnesses by denomination

Friday, June 22, 2012

Erring on the Side of Catastrophe

There can be no doubt about it; the world as we know it is spiralling down into an abyss of oblivion. There seems to be no foothold, no handhold, and no ledge of any description to break this fall. There can only be one outcome for such a falling, or should I say, ‘a falling away’ and that will be a sudden and catastrophic disintegration of the body politic at the bottom.

Were we not shocked and horrified to witness with our very own eyes, the last moments of ‘the Falling Man’ as he fell to his death, after jumping from a window on one of the twin towers in New York on that September morning which is now etched on all our memories.

Our world is like that man, except, our race has been falling since the foundation of civilisation. This is not Hollywood and there are no suspended animations here. All this horror we see around us is happening for real and in real time. We can’t press the pause button on our Sky remotes.

What the world witnessed then and continues to witness on a daily basis, without let-up, is the build-up of permanent physiological scars which we do not always remember are actually there, due to the fact that the whole body is just a sickening, sinuous, pulsating and agonising tissue of scars with countless open wounds just festering away. ‘What’s one more scar when the whole body is destroyed?’

Vanity of any description, or should it be said, pride in our appearance has long since vanished from society. Then again, has there ever been pride in our appearance? Has society ever cared about the condition of itself?

The societal bullies, which we at this time refer to as our globalist leaders no longer roam around their own neighbourhoods looking for a fight but they’re off the other side of town looking for another victim to bash his brains in. ‘No problem now getting into a good old scrap and coming out with a few more injuries or allowing that other part of the body to be mutilated; sure, what does it matter now anyway? The whole body is destroyed’.

Many feel today that the world is enlightened. That we are so advanced and technologically secure that if we were to leave it in the hands of the scientific elites; that everything will be alright. Well I’ve got news for you; things will not been alright.

We have the ability to send men to the moon and yet we lack the will to send enough food to the starving millions of the world. We can waste every waking moment of our leisure time on mindless dribble which we call entertainment. Mental chewing gum for a delinquent and idle chav world, throwing ‘Wotsits’ at the television screen while snarling about Jeremy Kyle and saying ‘how unfair he is to that poor wretched misfit’.

We turn on the X Factor while at the same time we turn our eyes away from the human suffering on the other channel, most likely a 24 hour news channel. ‘I can’t watch that, it’s too harrowing, ah, God Bless them, flick on the X Factor there, will you…’ We care more about who’ll be in the bottom two on Sunday night. Yes, you heard me, Sunday night, because we can now feed on the programming all weekend. We are all just programmed to receive. I always thought it was better for us to give than to receive but anyway it’s not my fault, I’m just programmed that way.

We live in the age of twenty four hours a day news. Round the clock entertainment, just in case we come down in the middle of the night to get a bowl of cornflakes and we have nothing better to watch. Okay, so I am being facetious but it is frightening how society is functioning today in our so-called advanced civilisations. How true the saying that “the eyes are the window to the soul”.

It’s spread out now, like that cheap margarine that your mother used to spread on your toast when you were a kid, back in the good old days. Turn on, Tune in and Drop out. A sober mind would tell you to turn it off, tune out and drop in to the real world for a change.

Sport has now become the religion of choice for most of us, with a new pantheon of gods with their delusions of grandeur and a harem of vestal non-virgins affectionately called ‘wags’. Sports stadiums are like the gladiatorial arenas of Rome, without the blood and guts now mind you. We even have our own hymns, and get this, we don’t even need a hymn book anymore ‘cause we know them off-by-heart. Battle hymns of the Repugnant; of the other team that is!

As for false religion and it’s scandalous effect on the world? What has that ever done for mankind, only give it a big push over the edge of the abyss. ‘Bye bye, have a nice trip on the way down to Hades fool’. Al la Carte Babylonish nonsense. There’s just been a transfer of the capital from Babylon to Rome but the furniture hasn’t changed. It’s just been moved in the big religious removal van about 1,860 miles away. I reckon the removal guys hope it’s all got there without any breakages. ‘We wouldn’t want to pay compensation for that now, would we?’

Whatever you like, we have it. Would you like fries with that? Spiritual Junk food with its sickening additives which we know are bad for us but we find it tasty nonetheless, only to discover that soon after consumption its effects are evident.
We know it makes us sick but Ronald McReligion is a funny clown and we clap our hands like seals at the party only to find when we’ve grown up that we were abused by the dirty impostors.

See what’s happening? We have an increased sensitivity to human rights and yet never in history have so many human rights been so flagrantly violated. Human rights seem to be just an illusion for the majority of mankind.

To err on the side of caution has always been understood as a prudent course of action. Where is the careful forethought or even vigilance to avoid any danger or harm which might befall us? There is no prudence, no restraint and no cautious action by man in behalf of his fellowman. He has not heeded the warnings and loving admonishments from his creator to take heed and to watch his step.

Mankind has been heartlessly careless in his approach to the gift of human life to the extent that mans inhumanity to man has no boundaries; it never has adhered to the natural boundaries of goodness ever since the first rebellion but it has grown and like our universe an ever expanding universe of hate and suffering.

Man has not learned any valuable lessons from the history of the world but continues to repeat the same old mistakes of the past. In so many ways he has not seen the error of his ways. He has not erred on the side of caution at all but continues to play the dice with humanity and in actuality he is erring on the side of catastrophe?   

While all of this is extremely pessimistic we still must ask; is there any hope for the world? I believe there is but it will not come by any human invention or ingenuity of man. If only the clock could be wound back. We would all say. Don’t do it! Don’t eat the forbidden fruit!

by G Thomas
02 ‎November ‎2011
(original title "Erring on the Side of Catastrophe"
© 2011 G Thomas - No distribution beyond personal use without permission)

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Erring on the Side of Catastrophe by G Thomas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.