An Irish Christian's Perpective

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Christian by Faith, one of Jehovah's Witnesses by denomination

Friday, June 22, 2012

Erring on the Side of Catastrophe

There can be no doubt about it; the world as we know it is spiralling down into an abyss of oblivion. There seems to be no foothold, no handhold, and no ledge of any description to break this fall. There can only be one outcome for such a falling, or should I say, ‘a falling away’ and that will be a sudden and catastrophic disintegration of the body politic at the bottom.

Were we not shocked and horrified to witness with our very own eyes, the last moments of ‘the Falling Man’ as he fell to his death, after jumping from a window on one of the twin towers in New York on that September morning which is now etched on all our memories.

Our world is like that man, except, our race has been falling since the foundation of civilisation. This is not Hollywood and there are no suspended animations here. All this horror we see around us is happening for real and in real time. We can’t press the pause button on our Sky remotes.

What the world witnessed then and continues to witness on a daily basis, without let-up, is the build-up of permanent physiological scars which we do not always remember are actually there, due to the fact that the whole body is just a sickening, sinuous, pulsating and agonising tissue of scars with countless open wounds just festering away. ‘What’s one more scar when the whole body is destroyed?’

Vanity of any description, or should it be said, pride in our appearance has long since vanished from society. Then again, has there ever been pride in our appearance? Has society ever cared about the condition of itself?

The societal bullies, which we at this time refer to as our globalist leaders no longer roam around their own neighbourhoods looking for a fight but they’re off the other side of town looking for another victim to bash his brains in. ‘No problem now getting into a good old scrap and coming out with a few more injuries or allowing that other part of the body to be mutilated; sure, what does it matter now anyway? The whole body is destroyed’.

Many feel today that the world is enlightened. That we are so advanced and technologically secure that if we were to leave it in the hands of the scientific elites; that everything will be alright. Well I’ve got news for you; things will not been alright.

We have the ability to send men to the moon and yet we lack the will to send enough food to the starving millions of the world. We can waste every waking moment of our leisure time on mindless dribble which we call entertainment. Mental chewing gum for a delinquent and idle chav world, throwing ‘Wotsits’ at the television screen while snarling about Jeremy Kyle and saying ‘how unfair he is to that poor wretched misfit’.

We turn on the X Factor while at the same time we turn our eyes away from the human suffering on the other channel, most likely a 24 hour news channel. ‘I can’t watch that, it’s too harrowing, ah, God Bless them, flick on the X Factor there, will you…’ We care more about who’ll be in the bottom two on Sunday night. Yes, you heard me, Sunday night, because we can now feed on the programming all weekend. We are all just programmed to receive. I always thought it was better for us to give than to receive but anyway it’s not my fault, I’m just programmed that way.

We live in the age of twenty four hours a day news. Round the clock entertainment, just in case we come down in the middle of the night to get a bowl of cornflakes and we have nothing better to watch. Okay, so I am being facetious but it is frightening how society is functioning today in our so-called advanced civilisations. How true the saying that “the eyes are the window to the soul”.

It’s spread out now, like that cheap margarine that your mother used to spread on your toast when you were a kid, back in the good old days. Turn on, Tune in and Drop out. A sober mind would tell you to turn it off, tune out and drop in to the real world for a change.

Sport has now become the religion of choice for most of us, with a new pantheon of gods with their delusions of grandeur and a harem of vestal non-virgins affectionately called ‘wags’. Sports stadiums are like the gladiatorial arenas of Rome, without the blood and guts now mind you. We even have our own hymns, and get this, we don’t even need a hymn book anymore ‘cause we know them off-by-heart. Battle hymns of the Repugnant; of the other team that is!

As for false religion and it’s scandalous effect on the world? What has that ever done for mankind, only give it a big push over the edge of the abyss. ‘Bye bye, have a nice trip on the way down to Hades fool’. Al la Carte Babylonish nonsense. There’s just been a transfer of the capital from Babylon to Rome but the furniture hasn’t changed. It’s just been moved in the big religious removal van about 1,860 miles away. I reckon the removal guys hope it’s all got there without any breakages. ‘We wouldn’t want to pay compensation for that now, would we?’

Whatever you like, we have it. Would you like fries with that? Spiritual Junk food with its sickening additives which we know are bad for us but we find it tasty nonetheless, only to discover that soon after consumption its effects are evident.
We know it makes us sick but Ronald McReligion is a funny clown and we clap our hands like seals at the party only to find when we’ve grown up that we were abused by the dirty impostors.

See what’s happening? We have an increased sensitivity to human rights and yet never in history have so many human rights been so flagrantly violated. Human rights seem to be just an illusion for the majority of mankind.

To err on the side of caution has always been understood as a prudent course of action. Where is the careful forethought or even vigilance to avoid any danger or harm which might befall us? There is no prudence, no restraint and no cautious action by man in behalf of his fellowman. He has not heeded the warnings and loving admonishments from his creator to take heed and to watch his step.

Mankind has been heartlessly careless in his approach to the gift of human life to the extent that mans inhumanity to man has no boundaries; it never has adhered to the natural boundaries of goodness ever since the first rebellion but it has grown and like our universe an ever expanding universe of hate and suffering.

Man has not learned any valuable lessons from the history of the world but continues to repeat the same old mistakes of the past. In so many ways he has not seen the error of his ways. He has not erred on the side of caution at all but continues to play the dice with humanity and in actuality he is erring on the side of catastrophe?   

While all of this is extremely pessimistic we still must ask; is there any hope for the world? I believe there is but it will not come by any human invention or ingenuity of man. If only the clock could be wound back. We would all say. Don’t do it! Don’t eat the forbidden fruit!

by G Thomas
02 ‎November ‎2011
(original title "Erring on the Side of Catastrophe"
© 2011 G Thomas - No distribution beyond personal use without permission)

Creative Commons Licence
Erring on the Side of Catastrophe by G Thomas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Do You Love Me More Than These?"

And the cock crowed! Oh, how Peter must have felt to hear that shrill harking out in the night. Such bitterness, remorse and regret. Weeping bitterly Peter called to mind the words of Jesus just hours before. “Truly I say to you, you today, yes, this night, before a cock crows twice, even you will disown me three times.” - Mark 14:30  
Even Peter, a rock of a man, weakened and broke apart before Jesus’ eyes. This was evidence of man's fall and the need for Jesus to finish what he had come to earth to do and that was to “give his soul a ransom in exchange for many.”- Mark 10:45.

As Jesus gazed upon Peter he seen not a rock of a man but witnessed at first hand the frailty and weakness which dwells in all men and yet what Jesus was about to accomplish would raise all of mankind from the affects of Adamic sin. (Romans 5:12) In that moment Peter may not have realised that Jesus’ imminent sacrificial death stood to truly make amends for his weakness and furnish not just Peter but all men with forgiveness from sin and error. Not only had Peter denied the Christ once but he denied the Christ three times, cursing and swearing; “I do not know the man!”
This regretful action, although born from weakness, brought with it much guilt and sorrow for Peter. Compounding his own guilt, he also later that day grieved the loss of his loving friend having witnessed the torture and execution of Jesus.

Is it any wonder he lost heart and went back to his former occupation of fishing, apparently abandoning the prospect of becoming a fisher of men?  Peter may have been the only one to verbally deny Jesus but he was not the only one to display fear and a lack of faith on that occasion. The rest of the disciples also scattered in disarray. The words of Jesus at Matthew 26:31 certainly came to pass.
All of you will be stumbled in connection with me on this night, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered about.’ As it was written according to Zechariah’s prophesy, so it happened.

A few days after his resurrection, Jesus “manifested himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberiaswhere he would re-affirm his love for Peter and the other Apostles. At the urging of Peter, six others of the disciples followed him back to the boats. After a whole night fishing they caught nothing, however just as the light of dawn began to appear on the horizon, the Lord stood on the beach and entreated the men to cast their net on the right side of the boat, saying, that they were sure to catch fish. To their amazement, because of the multitude of fish, they were unable to draw in their net. At once John, the beloved disciple declared to Peter, “It is the Lord.” and on hearing this Peter finds himself once again plunging overboard into the sea, such was his happiness at seeing Jesus. It was John who first recognised Jesus but it was Peter who was the first to go to him.

The miracle of the great haul of fish would have been a reminder to Peter of the very first time he was called to a new type of fishing work. (Read Luke 5: 1-11) Looking back, it was just another ordinary day while Peter, James and John where busy washing off their nets by Lake Gennesaret when crowds began pressing in close around Jesus wanting to listen to the word of God.
To more easily address the crowds, Jesus requested to board Simon Peter’s boat and “asked him to pull away a bit from the land. Then he sat down and from the boat he began teaching the crowds.”- Luke 5:4
How Peter and the other men with him must have marvelled at the life giving words that Jesus spoke on that faithful day. After Jesus had finished speaking to the crowds Jesus reciprocates Simon Peter’s kindness for the use of his boat by instructing them to go out into deep water and let down their nets where he would perform for them a miracle that would change the lives of these men forever. “Well when they did this, they enclosed a great multitude of fish. In fact, their nets began ripping apart.” – Luke 5:6.

It took two boats that day, almost sinking from the weight of the catch, to haul in the fish. What was Peter’s reaction to this? So astonished was he that he fell down at the knees of Jesus declaring in all humility, “Depart from me because I am a sinful man, Lord…but Jesus said to Simon: “Stop being afraid. From now on you will be catching men alive” – Luke 5:8, 10.  In that very hour Peter, James and John abandoned everything and followed Jesus. 

Back on the beach when the other disciples joined Peter “they beheld lying there a charcoal fire and fish lying upon it and bread.”- John 21:9 and Jesus served them breakfast. In the company of Jesus again, Peter was made to confront his own guilt for the last time. Although he may not have known it at that time, Jesus had already forgiven him. Far greater than Peter’s sin was Jesus’ love for him. The weight of this burden upon Peter was lifted off.

It may not have come into Peter’s mind just then, the words Jesus had mentioned earlier concerning him, – “Simon, Simon, look! Satan has demanded to have you men to sift you as wheat. But I have made supplication for you that your faith may not give out; and you, when once you have returned, strengthen your brothers.”- Luke 22:31-33. There it was. Jesus had always known that Peter would return to him and that he would from then on, become a strength to his brothers.

The discussion that followed between Jesus and Peter on that early morning, in the spring of 33 of the Common Era, not only had great importance to those two men but has far reaching meaning and benefits to all mankind. For an analysis of this conversation confirms to us the depth of God’s love for fallen mankind and the sure hope of redemption from sin and error and the restorative and healing properties of Christ’s love for us.

Most likely the words recorded for us in John chapter twenty-one were originally spoken in the Aramaic language, which, like most languages today, do not differentiate between the different facets and meanings of love. Although the Apostle John may have heard these words spoken in Aramaic, he did not miss the opportunity to record for us in the Greek language of the Bible, some of the more interesting aspects of the conversation and its meaning.

The ancient Greeks had four basic words, used in various forms, to describe love: Stor·ge′, the Greek word used to refer to the natural affection that exists between members of the same family.  E′ros, the Greek word used to refer to romantic love. *(E′ros is not used by any of the Bible writers.) Phi·li′a, the Greek word for “affection” or “friendship”, a love between friends and  A·ga′pe, an uncompromising and self sacrificing kind of love; a love that is governed, or guided, by principle, the kind of love which most eminently describes our heavenly Father Jehovah, who is “the God of love.”

Each of these different aspects of love can indeed be intertwined with each other. In some relationships they become inextricably linked, such as the relationship within a marriage; interwoven, as it were, into a beautiful tapestry which, when exhibited in a Godly way can lead to great happiness and contentment and identify us as indeed, made in God’s image.

There can be no doubt that the love Peter felt for Jesus was a love of great affection as one would have toward a dear friend but Peter was to realise that a greater love was needed, a self sacrificing, principled, Godly love. The type of superior love that God and Christ displayed was needed now in order for him to accomplish the great work that the Lord had in storefor him.

It may have been that the conversation took place in Aramaic but the nuance of the conversation was not lost on the Apostle John who recorded this account for us in the Greek in order for us to make a distinction between just friendship and the superior agape love of the Christ. It may have been that after so many years of faithful service to Christ, John realised the message Jesus was trying to get across to Peter. That it was the agape kind of love that could elevate all the other kinds of love in a Christians Life.

Listen as Jesus now speaks to Peter...

“When, now, they had breakfasted, Jesus said to Simon Peter: “Simon son of John, do you love [A·ga′pe] me more than these?” He said to him: “Yes, Lord, you know I have affection [Phi·li′a] for you.” He said to him: “Feed my lambs.” - John 21:15

At once we see Jesus here questions Peter about his agape love, a principled and unselfish love and Peter answers Jesus affectionately by declaring how he has a great phileo love for him. In this Peter was not wrong as it shows the great depth of feeling and emotion he had towards Jesus, his close friend and companion whom he loved very much. To Peter, an impetuous, forthright but loving and affectionate man full of feeling, he naturally declares his friendship to the Lord, maybe not realising that in this instance Jesus wanted him to declare to him something greater, if that were possible; a greater, self sacrificing love, that transcends the emotional attachment of human friendship towards one another. How does Jesus respond to Peter's declaration? Jesus continues...

"Again he said to him, a second time: “Simon son of John, do you love [A·ga′pe] me?” He said to him: “Yes, Lord, you know I have affection [Phi·li′a] for you.” He said to him: “Shepherd my little sheep.” -  John 21:16

Again Jesus questions Peter about his agape love and once again Peter declares affectionately his phileo love for his close friend. By this time Peter must have been wondering why Jesus asked this a second time.

"He said to him the third time: “Simon son of John, do you have affection [Phi·li′a for me?” - John 21:17a

How worried must Peter have felt? Indeed, how ashamed and demoralised this would make any one of us feel if we were to find ourselves in this same situation but Peter continued to declare his friendship and his love for Jesus despite all of this. He knew so well how he had denied his friend in his most crucial time of need just days before but he also knew that his friendship with Jesus could heal those scars. The following verse tells us how Peter really felt...

"Peter became grieved that he said to him the third time: “Do you have affection for me?” So he said to him: “Lord, you know all things; you are aware that I have affection [A·ga′pe]   for you.” Jesus said to him: “Feed my little sheep." - John 21:17b

There is a lesson here and there was a point to be made. Jesus in his love and wisdom was not trying to demoralise Peter or rebuke him for his denials but he gave Peter a chance to resolve his own shame without condemnation. Peter, three times denied the Christ and three times Jesus gave Peter the opportunity to retract his triple denial and in sorts cancel the equation out as it where. Peter was given a chance and he took it. He declared his love for Jesus, knew he was forgiven and resolved in his heart to move on.

What a lesson to have learned and what a way to have come to the realisation that the emotional human attachment of friendship does not always shine through when most needed.

In many cases, the principled and self sacrificing agape love, can give us strengths that we did not know where there.

(to be continued)

© 2011 G Thomas - No distribution beyond personal use without permission

 Creative Commons Licence
Do You Love Me More Than These? by G Thomas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Chester Beatty Library

The world renowned Chester Beatty Library in Dublin is home to some of the most priceless treasures of antiquity found anywhere else in the world today. Its vast treasures come from all over the ancient world, from places as far apart as China, Japan, India, Persia, the Middle East and Western Europe

The Chester Beatty Library, at Dublin Castle, Ireland, is one of the most impressive Library’s in the world and one of the finest collections by a single individual. It contains a vast collection of over 8,000 Artefacts; miniature paintings, prints, drawings, rare books and decorative arts from a diverse array of Cultures and time periods. It is not just a Library but it is also a Museum and Art Gallery of immense importance not only for the Irish Nation but also for World Heritage.

The Chester Beatty Library was moved to its present location at Dublin Castle, from 20 Shrewsbury road in 2000.This same year, the Chester Beatty Library was awarded Irish Museum of the year in and was awarded the title ‘European Museum of the Year’ in 2002.

Role of the Library  
The Chester Beatty Library is a public charitable trust which was established after the death of Chester Beatty in 1968. The purpose and role of the Chester Beatty collection is outlined on the Library’s official website

The role of the Library is to protect, preserve and make available to the public in the form of exhibitions, popular publications, lectures and other events the heritage enshrined in the collections of the late Chester Beatty and to provide the world of scholarship access to the internationally important resource… The purpose of the Library, having regard to its duty of care, is therefore to contribute new value to the cultural life of Ireland at home and in its relations with peoples and cultures everywhere. – (About us page)

Sir Alfred Chester Beatty The Man (1875-1968) 
It is impossible to talk about The Chester Beatty Library without talking about the founder and Patron of this wonderful Institution and his motivation behind such a remarkable collection of priceless treasures.

Sir Alfred Chester Beatty was born in New York on 7 February 1875 of Irish, Scottish and English ancestry. He was the youngest of three sons to John Cuming Beatty, a banker and stock-broker and his Mother, Hetty Bull Beatty.

After graduating as a mining engineer from Columbia State University, he worked hard and built up an internationally respected Engineering and Mining Consultancy Firm in New York in 1908. After the death of his wife in 1911 from Typhoid Fever and also suffering from ill health himself, he left the United States and established a consultancy firm in London in 1912 and also later that year re-marrying a fellow New-Yorker, Edith Dunn. He fast became one of the wealthiest men in Britain receiving many honours and accolades for his work.

Alfred Chester Beatty was a pioneer in new methods of extracting copper from low grade ore and as a result of exploiting the large Copper reserves on the African continent he amassed a large fortune which later would be wisely used in the acquisition of some of the Worlds greatest treasures.

Sir Alfred Chester Beatty the Collector
Since childhood, Beatty had been a collector of minerals, Chinese Snuff Bottles and Stamps and later in life this interest in collecting expanded to the point where he had accumulated a vast array of ancient works. It is thanks to this early childhood interest in collecting, that we have today, one of the foremost personal collections of Ancient Art, Culture and Literature in world History.

In 1914 Chester Beatty travelled to Egypt in order to acquire decorated copies of the Qur’an for his collection. It wasn’t only copies of the Qur’an which he was interested in; he bought a house near Cairo so he and his wife, Edith could enjoy the warm climate.

In 1917 he journeyed to Asia and added Japanese and Chinese paintings to his collection. These acquisitions included fine bindings and beautiful calligraphy and historic Chinese and Japanese Literature.

During World War Two, Chester Beatty made a significant contribution to the Allied War Effort, for supplying strategic raw materials. After the War he received a Knighthood for his services. In 1950, he decided to move to Ireland and built a library for his art collection on Shrewsbury Road which opened in 1954. In 1957 Chester Beatty became Ireland’s first honorary citizen. On his death in 1968 he was accorded a State Funeral which makes him the only private citizen to receive such an honour.

The Collections 
By the time of his death on January 19th 1968 in Monaco, Chester Beatty had established one of the world’s greatest collections of Biblical papyri and codex’s; Christian and Islamic illuminated manuscripts; Persian, Turkish, and Indian paintings; Japanese woodblocks and Chinese jade books manuscripts as well as many printed books from Eastern and Western culture. The Collection also contains many Atlases and books on travel and topography, including works on early printing and the history of costume.

The East Asian Collection contains albums and Royal jade books from China and a large collection of rare Rhinoceros horn cups, textiles and decorative objects. The Library also contains beautifully painted scrolls from the 17th and 18th century, woodblock prints by Hiroshige and Hokusai and many other Japanese works of art.

The Islamic Collection makes up the bulk of Chester Beatty’s Library’s wonderful artefacts. These are from the Middle-East and are Islamic in origin. This section of the library contains over 6,000 individual items. Some of the finest examples of The Qur’an are to be found here; 260 examples in all, some of these dating from as early as the late eight and ninth centuries. Among the Islamic art collection are paintings and some of the finest Arabic Calligraphy to be found in the world today.

The Western Collection contains many Western European and Armenian Manuscripts, books, bindings and paintings from the medieval period right up to modern times. This collection consists of cuneiform tablets from 2500 BCE to fine artists' books of the mid-twentieth century. More than 3,000 rare printed books and nearly 35,000 Old Master prints and drawings are contained here. With such a diverse collection of books, from the earliest papyrus manuscripts and codex’s, to the finest books of the Twentieth Century, the Chester Beatty Library can show systematically the development of the Western book

Bible Translation
The Chester Beatty Library is more than just a repository of Art, Literature and World Culture. It is the home to some of the most important and historical Literary treasures in existence. Its Biblical Codex’s and Manuscript collection contains the earliest sources, on papyrus, of The Holy Bible. When Scholars embark on a new translation of The Bible, they must travel to Dublin to consult the Chester Beatty Manuscripts to complete their work. With the publication of the Chester Beatty papyri, scholars now had even more corroborating evidence toward authentication of the Greek Scriptures.

These precious Manuscripts were discovered in a Coptic (Egyptian) graveyard about 1930. With the discovery of these Manuscripts, the world renowned scholar, Sir Frederic Kenyon, who incidentally, had a hand in the acquisition of the vitally important Codex Sinaiticus, said, “It was a discovery, only to be rivalled by that of the Codex Sinaiticus.” - Frederic G Kenyon, The Story of the Bible: A Popular Account of How it Came to Us. London: J. Murray, 1936. 2nd edition with supplementary material by F.F. Bruce, 1964.

The Chester Beatty Codices
All the Chester Beatty Manuscripts were found in Papyrus Codex form, which surprised Scientists of the day. Formerly they had estimated that the earliest Codices used by Christian Copyists, were dated after the 4th Century C.E. but these new finds suggested an earlier date for this newly invented book form of the Codex; some as early as the second Century C.E., which makes the Chester Beatty Manuscripts, at least a Century earlier than the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus.

So what exactly is the significance of the Codex form? Historically speaking, from ancient times, people had preserved their writings on monuments, stone or wood tablets and more popularly on Scrolls. These mediums tended to be quite large, inconvenient and cumbersome by their very nature. This would certainly not lend itself to the easy handling and even transportation of a text when needed, so Scrolls, generally speaking, would be kept at one specific location for convenience purposes.

This remained the case for thousands of years until the invention of the Codex. The Codex resembled our modern day books, in that they contained leaves tied along the fold with writing on both sides and bound together between two covers. To a modern person it would seem only logical that we should record writing in such a manner and form but it wasn’t until this revolutionary new invention by the early Christians, that this new medium was accepted.

By the third Century, the Codex therefore, became the prototype of our modern day book. The Codex form, thus became; albeit after a long struggle with the accepted conventions on the norm, the Universal Medium by which the written word was disseminated. Although the Scroll form was in use for many Centuries after the invention of the Codex, the practical value of the Codex meant the wide acceptance of this new form of the written word.

Papyri Manuscripts - early 3rd Century
These Biblical Papyri Manuscripts date from the second to the fourth century C.E. They are the earliest extant copies of the four gospels, (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) and Acts of the Apostles, the Letters of The Apostle Paul, the Book of Revelation and various very early Old Testament fragments. - (

These manuscripts, all in Greek and Christian in origin are mostly dated to the 3rd Century C.E. It is not clear how these ancient texts were discovered originally before Chester Beatty acquired them for his collection. Some say they were found in jars found in a graveyard near the ruins of the ancient city of Aphroditopolis. Some say they were found near Fayum either in a church or monastery. The papyri were first announced on November 19th, 1931 but more pages were added over the next decade.

Chester Beatty Papyrus I P45
The Chester Beatty Papyrus Manuscript Number one known as P45 (Internationally accepted Gregory-Aland numbering system for Biblical Greek ms.) was originally the most extensive of all papyrus manuscripts in the world, containing more than one New Testament section but it has been very badly damaged, which means that relatively little of the original text survives today. This ancient Manuscript, dating from around 150 C.E. (Common Era) contains part of all four gospels and also Acts of the Apostles, including Matthew 20-21 and 25-26; Mark 4-9 and 11-12; Luke 6-7 and 9-14; John 4-5 and 10-11; and Acts 4-17.

Chester Beatty Papyrus II P46
The Chester Beatty Papyrus Manuscript number two known as the P46 Manuscript is the earliest papyrus manuscript containing most of the Letters of The Apostle Paul in existence. This Manuscript also dates from c150 C.E. This papyrus was discovered along with P45 and P47 in Egypt in the early 1930’s. The manuscript was subsequently broken up in two portions and presently, part of these papyrus fragments are housed in the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, Ireland while the other portion remains at the University of Michigan. This is the earliest Pauline manuscript known to date.

P46 contains most the Apostle Paul’s letters: Today, there remain 85 out of a total of 104 leaves consisting of the majority of Romans; Hebrews; 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians; and two chapters of 1 Thessalonians. Although usually dated around 150-200 AD, it is written in a handwriting which has only ever been found in first century manuscripts, and so some people suggest it could be much earlier.

10 Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to [us] in the faith. 11 SEE with what large letters I have written YOU with my own hand. 12 All those who want to make a pleasing appearance in the flesh are the ones that try to compel YOU to get circumcised, only that they may not be persecuted for the torture stake of the Christ, Jesus. 13 For not even do those who are getting circumcised keep the Law themselves, but they want YOU to be circumcised that they may have cause for boasting in YOUR flesh. 14 Never may it occur that I should boast, except in the torture stake of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been impaled to me and I to the world. 15 For neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision, but a new creation [is something]. 16 And all those who will walk orderly by this rule of conduct, upon them be peace and mercy, even upon the Israel of God. 17 Henceforth let no one be making trouble for me, for I am carrying on my body the brand marks [of a slave] of Jesus. 18 The undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with the spirit YOU [show], brothers. Amen. – Galatians 6:10 – KJV

Chester Beatty Papyrus III P47
The third and last Chester Beatty New Testament Manuscript on Papyrus, known as the P47 manuscript is a copy of the Apocalypse or as is more commonly known the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible. This manuscript dates from the last part of the third Century C.E. It must also be noted that this document is the oldest known authority on the book of Revelation, which makes this manuscript along with P45 and P46 absolutely essential historical documents.

A Gift to the Irish Nation
The Chester Beatty Library is the home to some of the greatest Cultural and Religious artefacts that exist in the world today and it was bequeathed, in trust, to the people of Ireland, by Sir Alfred Chester Beatty for world posterity. From small beginnings, from the collections of a child, to one of the vastest collections of Cultural Treasures that we have in existence, the Chester Beatty Library continues the work of one of the most prolific Bibliophiles of all time.

As Charles Horton says in his book, - “Alfred Chester Beatty – From Minor to Bibliophile” – 2003. “ Unlike some of his contemporaries, Beatty had no grand plan when he was forming his collection, or, if he did, it has remained firmly hidden.” Albeit, absent of any grand plan, Beatty’s Collections, have without any doubt, turned out to be a most valuable asset. Not monetarily speaking but Culturally.
Sir Alfred Chester Beatty died in 1968 at the grand old age of 93, leaving a fortune, estimated at ₤168 Million. Just four years later his Son, Chester Beatty Jnr. sold his Fathers company, Selection Trust, for another ₤400 Million but this vast fortune did not become his legacy.

His greatest legacy is not only one of Ireland's Greatest Library’s but it is also one of the world’s greatest collections of Art treasures. Although at any given time, only 1 per cent of the Collection is on display, it is still a place worth visiting. It continues to attract many learned Scholars, from all over the world in their quest to study some of the rarest and most precious texts from antiquity. It continues also to be an attraction to all those who have an interest in the development of World Culture and some of the finest treasures of ancient Literature, Art and religion.

From the third millennium B.C.E. to the present day, the Chester Beatty Library brings us a wonderful history and development of the Western book from its origins in Papyrus Codex to some of the finest artist’s books of the twentieth century. Whatever our interests are, we can find something of interest in this wonderful library. If you haven’t yet taken a trip to Dublin Castle to view these ancient writings, it would be a very worthwhile and memorable visit.

These papyrus Manuscripts may not be dazzling works of Art such as The Book of Kells or some other beautifully illuminated text but they are nonetheless, priceless. They are a witness and indeed, a visible link to the very beginnings of Christianity and Western Civilisation. The Chester Beatty Library, Dublin. Truly, a remarkable place!

© 2011 G Thomas - No distribution beyond personal use without permission

Creative Commons Licence
Chester Beatty Library by G Thomas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Appendix 1 - The Gospel According to Mark 
The Gospel According to Mark c. AD 250
BP I (P45), f. 6r

The Gospel According to Mark 8: 11-26.

11 Then the Pharisees came out and began to dispute with Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven, testing Him. 12 But He sighed deeply in His spirit, and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign? Assuredly, I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation.” 13 And He left them, and getting into the boat again, departed to the other side. 14 Now the disciples[a] had forgotten to take bread, and they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat. 15 Then He charged them, saying, “Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” 16 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, “ It is because we have no bread.” 17 But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, “Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still[b] hardened? 18 Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember? 19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up?” They said to Him, “Twelve.” 20 “Also, when I broke the seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up?” And they said, “Seven.” 21 So He said to them, “How is it you do not understand?” 22 Then He came to Bethsaida; and they brought a blind man to Him, and begged Him to touch him. 23 So He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. And when He had spit on his eyes and put His hands on him, He asked him if he saw anything. 24 And he looked up and said, “I see men like trees, walking.” 25 Then He put His hands on his eyes again and made him look up. And he was restored and saw everyone clearly. 26 Then He sent him away to his house, saying, “Neither go into the town, nor tell anyone in the town.”[c] - Mark 8: 11-26 NKJV
Appendix 2 - The Gospel of Saint Luke

The Gospel of Saint Luke

Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles

c. AD 250

BP I (P45), ff. 13r-14r

The Gospel of Luke 11: 50 – 12: 12 and 13: 6-24. This Chester Beatty papyrus codex is the oldest book in the world to contain these New Testament texts in a single volume. Until its discovery, only small papyrus fragments of single Gospels were known. This book showed that the four Gospels and the Acts were compiled into one volume much earlier than many scholars had expected. In total, parts of 60 out of an estimated 220 leaves survive. The folios containing Mark and most of Luke’s Gospel are the oldest known copies of these texts.

1 In the meantime, when an innumerable multitude of people had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first of all, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.
4 “And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!
6 “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins?[a] And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
8 “Also I say to you, whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God. 9 But he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God.
10 “And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven.
11 “Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say. 12 For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” – Luke 12:1-12 NKJV
Appendix 3 - The Letters of Saint Paul

The Letters of Saint Paul

ca. AD 180-200

BP II (P46), bifolia 15v and 90v

Letter to the Romans 11: 13-22 and Letter to the Colossians 1: 5-12. The Chester Beatty papyrus codex of the Pauline Epistles is the earliest book of Saint Paul’s letters in existence. It contains some of Paul’s letters to the early Christian communities in Asia Minor. The pages were numbered in the upper margin, and enough page numbers have been preserved to establish the original formation of the volume. The entire codex would have consisted of 100 to 104 leaves, of which only 86 survive, 55 in Dublin and 30 in the library of the University of Michigan.

13 For I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, 14 if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them. 15 For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?
16 For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. 17 And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, 18 do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.
19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in.” 20 Well said. Because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be haughty, but fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either. 22 Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness,[f] if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off. - Romans 11: 13-22 NKJV


Chester Beatty Library. (About us page). [Online]. Available from [Accessed 23 September 2010]

The Centre for the study of New Testament Manuscripts. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 21 September 2010]

The Story of The Bible: A Popular Account of How it Came to Us [Online]. Available at [Accessed 24 September 2010]
